"Thirteen year old Atiya will win the hearts of young readers. Although physically handicapped, her adventurous spirit takes her on lonely rambles into the wildlife sanctuary. She knows the ways of the jungle and its creatures great and small. A charming story, full of incident and good feeling, Atiya's flute has a special magic of its own. ".................Ruskin Bond
Flute in the Forest is the story of Atiya's relationship with a rogue elephant and a flute player and her life in the forest. Much of the story is based on my own experiences during 9 wonderful years on tea plantations in South India, and my proximity to the forests and the birds and animals there.....in particular, the elephants who roamed freely through the same estates!
There are anecdotes, photographs, comments and sketches - (some of them from friends and family )..........all of which will add to the background of the book.
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